Photo Listing

Photo listing is a recruitment process of publishing a waiting child’s photo on the Internet. The picture is accompanied by a strength-based written description of the child and his or her needs for a “no matter what” family. Photo listing provides prospective adoptive parents the opportunity to search for waiting children in Wisconsin and acquire insight into a particular child. Coalition staff write the photo listing descriptions, which include the child’s accomplishments, interests, and other unique information. The listings also include examples of how a family can help the child, as well as the type of family that would be a good match. The descriptions provide information about the child, while at the same time allowing for privacy.

Why photo list? Check out our Photo Listing FAQ PDF.

Adoption Preparation Videos

Adoption preparation videos are a chance for children ages 11-18 to work with a small team of about two-four people (videographers and Coalition staff) to create a short video where the child is interviewed. During this interview, the child is able to share information about themselves; likes, dislikes, strengths, views on adoption, current situations, needs, hopes for their future, etc. The video will hopefully help the child to prepare for adoption, but may also help with connecting the child to their “no matter what” family. Once the video is completed, it will accompany the child’s photo listing profile.

Child Specific Webinars

Child specific webinars are a chance for a live audience to hear additional information about a child from his or her team first hand. During the webinar, a Coalition staff member will interview the child’s team (Case Worker, Therapist, Mentor, etc.). The identified child is not present during this webinar; however, photos and videos of the child may be shown. The interview touches upon what challenges the child might have and what their needs are in a manner that is very strengths-based. At the end of the webinar, the audience is allotted time to ask the team questions. Confidentiality for the child is very important and is maintained.

Data Mining

Data mining is an intensive review of the child’s case record that includes electronic case information available through eWisacwis and corresponding paper files available through the County of Origin, State Guardianship, and/or Public Adoptions Program. Case Consultation between the Coalition and social work team occurs at the beginning (to discuss goals and expectations) and end of the data mining process (presentation, recommendations, explore new ideas related to connections and recruitment strategies). The end result of data mining are two vital pieces of documentation: a Data Mining Tool and a Timeline of events. These are easy to read documents that historically portray case history and highlight significant events in the child’s life. The tools also identify potential connections or resources for permanency, including family. These tools also assist with adoption preparation for the child.