The children we have featured on our website who wait for adoptive families
- are most often in the foster care system and cannot return to their birth families for a variety of reasons.
- need help overcoming hurt related to past trauma(s) and/or abandonment.
- are often part of a sibling (brothers and/or sisters) group.
- are often older than four years of age and behind emotionally.
While you may not see “all” of the children in need of a “no matter what” family in our Gallery, please understand that those who are waiting share similar hopes for a family and similar obstacles to being matched with one. If these children do not seem like a “match,” chances are others who are not featured here will not be a “match,” either. However, if you have patience and perseverance and are willing to adapt your home and life to fit a child’s needs, please keep pursuing and learning more about adopting from foster care.
Please keep in mind that, in order to be considered for a child within our Gallery, you must have an approved public adoption home study. If you are unsure if your home study is public, please contact us via phone (414-475-1246 or 800-762-8063) or email
Lastly, please keep in mind that circumstances for the children within the Gallery can change rather quickly and for a variety of reasons. When a child is listed as waiting, this means the child is quite literally “waiting” for their “no matter what” family and are still available. If a child is listed as matched, this typically means the child’s social work team has identified a match with a prospective “no matter what” family. The Coalition will continue to collect inquiries for a child listed as matched, and this information will be shared with the child’s social work team in the event that permanency falls through for whatever reason.
We invite you to check out our tip sheet, Not Too Old for Forever: Adopting Older Youth.